Ten Skin Care Problem and solution

Thursday, 31 May 20120 comments

Most of people  spend a lot of their  time and money to look Attractive and to get a good skin texture. But they have many question about it which they have no answer. Here we solve some  common skin care queries from our skin experts which will help you to find correct to get right skin care.

Most common skin care queries with their answered:

1. I am 20 year old and have many pimples on my face and skin?

Before going to bed, wash your face then dab a little toothpaste (white paste, not the blue gel type and not the whitening type) on the pimple. 
Drink lots of water! Always keep a bottle of water in your car, in your purse, or at your desk. 
Use cornmeal to exfoliate your face – it’s a home remedy that has worked for me in the past because it helps to get rid of dead skin cells that can block the pores.
If you wear makeup be sure that it is 100% pure mineral makeup as non-mineral makeup can clog the skin and also lead to long term sensitivity.  

2. I have dark patches on some parts of my body. How do I get rid of them? 

You will need many peels at regular intervals along with sunscreen in the morning and You can even do laser treatments for skin lightening called Medlite. If you have un-even skin tone on your face, you could use the niltan cream at night and sunscreen during the day would be a must to avoid further dark patches on the skin.

3. How can I remove acne scars from my face? 

 For removing acne marks such as brown pigmentation and redness, intense pulse light may be useful. For the more depressed scars, chemical peeling, surgical scars revision may also help. But the actual treatment options will depend on the types and nature of acne scars, you could be prescribed creams to lighten the marks, surgery to revise the scars, injection of medication into the protruding scars and the skin expert could also advice laser treatment to smooth-en the scars.
If you have blemishes caused by acne and pimple scarring, one could also look for acne fighters with salicylic acid, which combats signs of aging by exfoliating. You could try Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Cleanser which is also useful on scars of acne.

4. Even after washing my face many times a day, why do I still get acne?

This is because acne is not caused only by dirty skin; there are many other factors which affect the skin by which acne occurs on the face. It could be because of blockage of oil gland, accumulation of oil gland secretion, excessive bacterial growth within the oil gland and inflammation of the oil gland, Improper diet, oily skin, eating of too much oily food, ellergy due to some food items, stress, tensions many other reasons.
Washing your face will only help to remove dirt, dust and oil from the skin but it will not change the other factors which are a reason for the formation of acne, these have to be checked, understood and dealt properly to avoid acne .

5. Does stress cause acne and does diet have a role in causing acne?

Yes, stress may stress may aggravate and precipitate acne and according to a survey it is said that people with good and healthy diet do not get too many pimples where as some people suffer from allergies due to the consumption of certain food items. So, you need to identify which food is bad for your skin and is causing acne and then avoid eating it.

6. I have facial hair, how do I get rid of it?

Laser treatment is the only permanent solution available as of now. And for this you need to consult a reputed dermatologist for complete hair removal with laser. There are some new developments in the laser treatment for hair removal like Soprano Super hair removal which are totally painless and leave no scars.

7. How does one deal with stretch marks?

Treatments like pixel laser, retinoic acid peel, and dermaroller has also been successfully used in stretch markreduction. You would have to consult a dermatologist for treating stretch marks with the appropriate medical treatment. You can also try to reduce the stretch marks by applying retinoic acid cream at night and stretch away cream in the morning after bath.

8. I have blackheads on my face. Is there any home remedy for it?

Yes, there are home remedies for black heads like steaming and use of a paste made of besan and lemon juice which should be scrubbed on the face and washed off with warm water twice a day. Make a paste out of baking soda and water. Gently massage on face (or wherever you get blackheads). Rinse. Follow with a light moisturizer. You won't even believe how soft and clean your skin will be.
You can also Mix lemon juice salt and pepper then dip cotton ball in it and apply 2 affected areas. This also works well on black heads.

9. My skin is very oily how do I handle it?

Wash your face at least 4 times a day with a good face wash and then use water-based moisturizer. When you use a sunscreen it should have moisturizer content in it and if still your skin is oily then you could take a Vitamin A supplement but cautiously only under medical prescription of a skin expert.

10.My facial skin has a lot of open pores. What should I do?

For open pores toner could help to some extent but creams will not be of help. For some good results one could try out a fractional laser treatment which works well, but has to be done at monthly intervals. Vinegar is very helpful in treating oily skin. Apply vinegar on the oily skin with a cotton ball. If your skin is sensitive then add 4 teaspoons of water to 1 teaspoon vinegar.

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